May 7, 2009

A Loss For Words

Remember this?

Today is a huge deal. In my wildest dreams I didn't even know if we would make it this far. What a ride. I only have one person to thank.


nat said...

i have been thinking about the two of you a lot lately. i am dumbfounded and amazed by your strength and courage.
love you!

Siri Elaine said...

Im Happy You Both are here!
You Both bring happiness to many!

Jo Lynn said...

What a landmark year--you are amazing people, and I love ya!

IsabellaArchery said...

Jenna. I've been thinking about you both today, and I'm so thankful that both of you have endured well this year. I admire all of your courage and persistence through long months of disruption and stress and life-altering change. You've been a good example this year; you've carried some ponderous burdens beautifully and climbed more than your share of steep peaks. I love you.

Jo Lynn said...

I am at my friend JoLynn's house in Sacramento and I left the earlier comment without realizing I was signed in under her name. just thought I'd clarify who this stranger commenting on your blog was :).

Corinne said...

Wow Jenna, you guys are really amazing, you have done so well and are so strong. It is amazing, really. And I know that might not mean much from some 18 year old kid, but you guys mean a lot to me and I look up to you.

carlsberg said...

awww . . . . i didn't remember, but now i know. and wow. just wow.

so happy for you.