In the subculture of old cars, the
Pomona Swap Meet is a big deal. Yes, this is me at Pomona yesterday- 11 miles of old automobiles, parts, and other rare finds. Filled with tattooed Hispanic homies, middle-aged beer bellied white guys, fast and furious teen boys, African American low-rider gangstas, and rockabilly wannabes- I was one of the few women there, and I'm pretty sure the only one wearing a white skirt. Oh! the things we do for the people we love, right? What's the craziest thing you've done for your significant other?
tried my very best to get into a roll playing game over the internet that he is into so that we might be able to play something together. Blah, never do that again.
Bless you for doing that for your husband! In the pic it looks a little like those guys are staring at you. I'm sure they enjoyed a little eye candy amongst the car stuff:) I don't think I've done anything "crazy" for my husband, but I do his laundry and cook for him among other things. I hope that counts for something.
Sitting through tough guy movies - yuck, but I love him. Going to AA meetings - which was tough, but not nearly as tough as walking into Walker's Service Station with my refillable cup, and refilling it! I used to throw those things away - do you know how much money you save if you reuse that cup?! Oh, and, well, um, never mind . . . Ma
But - his "sacrifices" make mine look like penny candy.
so tender!
it seems like i am the one who is dragging jon along on my crazy "adventures".
Kudos to you!
Does following Chris to Huntington, Utah while he was substituting in a country band count? Not to mention the countless other times I have gone to band practices and LATE shows, tripped over all his guitars and gear, and fished another pick out of the washing machine. Who knew being a rock star's wife required so much patience!
Hmmm. Let's see. I stayed home from work almost the entire week because Nate needed some extra special attention this week. It was worth it though...Nate is worth it!
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