August 25, 2008

A Typical Evening

The following is what I typically see on our bike rides at dusk.
Cliff's shop, our house, and sunflowers.

The neighbor's ripening grape vine and some more sunflowers!

I am currently obsessed with this house in Springville.
Want it...
Need it...
Must have it!

We take turns being the leader. Cliff tends to meander, slyly taking us past old cars for sale.

Self-portrait and Cliff showing me his growing belly. I didn't go for it.


nat said...

wow, bike rides at dusk look so romantic!

CRH said...

I am gaining weight, right? I hope so! I'm as skinny (and weak) as a bean pole, but hey...I think I can still fix old cars. WooHoo!

Anonymous said...

I want you to have that house, on your land - perfect. Ma