March 26, 2008

Chord Hat

I've been playing guitar since I was 12 years old. Over the past 12 years I have sat in on many "jam sessions," hesitantly strumming along to songs I don't know. This video is funny to me and the elite few- those who actually know what a dulcimer is, wear socks with their Birkenstocks, and have a composting bin in their backyard. Welcome to the geek in me.


Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaa! They either have too much time on their hands, or I'm jealous that they have enough time to be so corny/innovative!

Treasures4u2Share said...

Jenna--you crack me up! That was just what I needed for a good laugh today.
Oh, and may I just add...I miss all your wonderful guitar playing--you're awesome!!!
Your Mom stopped in on my blog today...what a great surprise!!! It's great to keep in touch.
Love ya!