The Craftsman and I headed south for the long holiday weekend- the trip included prairie dog spotting, garden fresh peas, a tractor pull, fast-pitch baseball, Pepto-Bismol, two adorable nephews, trading posts, apricot cobbler, and of course- fireworks (viewed from a trampoline.)
I'll bet your favorite one was the "SPEAR" float huh? That's why you needed all that Pepto.
I love you new page heading. Very cool.
Hope all is well!
When I was young, as young and blonde as these girls, both sets of grandparents were involved in the Rigby Days activities. I had the opportunity (as well as my siblings) to either ride on a float that Grandma Jensen and the Primary ladies had assembled or ride on the horse or in the buggy that Grandpa Walker had assembled (he was always honored). I loved my new outfit and the opportunity to be someone, if only for a day. However - I never did get the wave figured out. Ma
Oh wow, hi! What a pleasant surprise. Thanks for outing yourself and for the song suggestion. I also checked out your photo blog and your pictures are awesome! What kind of camera do you use? Are you still at the Depot?
Hot damn that is a great pic.
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