And even bigger emptiness.
And what does one do with silence and emptiness?
We search.
Search for meaning beyond the surface. I'm reading a fascinating book right now and it reminded me of truths I've always known but had to dig up after days and years of being human and facing the world. The world teaches us to fit in, not stand out. To be acceptable, not exceptional. To get along rather than to get better. That it's more important to be popular than productive, it's more important to consume than to create and that security outweighs success. Above all, the world continually conditions us to believe that we should have modest aspirations that can be safely met, rather than extraordinary goals that force us to go beyond our present skills.
So, I'll leave it at that. I'm searching. Clearing way for an evolution- including deleting my Facebook account (without a eccentric fuss) and keeping it real in every possible way I know how and learn how. Life is too damn short.
Let the search begin.
What to do w/ silence and emptiness? I'm not 100% sure from where these things stem in your case, but in my own life I occassionally mistake the routines of married life for such things, as I am a restless and curious individual, always looking for something new to study or peruse. Thankfully, I've learned these misdefinings are fleeeting, in my own case, and I hope they are in yours, as well.
When I was 18, I spent the summer working at Bryce Canyon NP. One weekend, I hitchhiked with my backpack to Escalante for a few days of camping. The couple who gave me a ride was from New York. They were well-educated and financially successful. They said they had chosen UT as that year's vacation spot because of the effect it had on one of their friends. She had not stopped talking about how beautiful it was. And they agreed, it was beautiful, here and there, but mostly they found it lacking. The spaces were too vast, the land too empty. They even complained that they weren't able to get the whole view of Bryce from the rim that morning, as fog silhoutted the hoodoos and spires until the sun rose high enough to burn it off. I guess it goes back to the old Thoreau dictum: it's not what one looks at, but what one sees that matters. On the surface, the land appears empty, but look closer and one sees that it is actually abundant, thriving with diverse forms of life.
Perhaps this story is a weak analogy. Perhaps not. In any event, whatever it is you're "searching" for, I hope you find it. Cheers!
what a beautiful picture. Hey could I borrow that book from you possibly once you are done reading it?
Btw, I really like this statement:
The world teaches us to fit in, not stand out. To be acceptable, not exceptional. To get along rather than to get better. That it's more important to be popular than productive, it's more important to consume than to create and that security outweighs success. Above all, the world continually conditions us to believe that we should have modest aspirations that can be safely met, rather than extraordinary goals that force us to go beyond our present skills.
Jenna, This will be one of many of your times that you are transcending, and the beauty of this metamorphosis is that it's happening at spring - when the earth is itself renewing, regenerating, redefining, redirecting. And you, my mother-earth daughter, have found this time well-suited to your own change/becoming. I applaud you, Ma
Jared made a great point. Well said.
i couldn't agree with you more. one of my favorite bands has a lyric that says:
So why do we seek and yet always want?
Why do we go and never arrive?
I'd give it all, but darling, tell me what's the use?
It will never gain back our youth.
i wanted to thank you for your comment on my TRUTH post. i was hoping to find peace in purging. but it turns out, others' feedback gave me that peace. thank you so much.
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