March 20, 2009

Knockout Arrival

I make my resolutions in the springtime. The ritual of list-making seems much more fitting being surrounded by bursting colors, bird melodies, and dusk hour sunshine than frigid, dark nights. My list includes:

  • Make an old fashioned apron. Wear it.
  • Throw a Cinco de Mayo party- with a pinata and paper lanterns.
  • Recycle more, conserve water, and ride my bicycle.
  • Keep a journal of the everyday.
  • Join the ranks of motherhood.
  • Go for evening drives in the roadster with The Craftsman.
Do you have a spring/summer list?


Anonymous said...

My Spring-time Resolutions:
Shine; Play in the dirt; Plant a garden; Ride my bike; Walk more, drive less; Relish time with my children and grandchildren while playing, planting, riding, walking. Enjoy the moment - Ma

Bambi said...

My spring goals, they are more like my March/April goals. Clean out all my closets and pantry, finish some older sewing projects, finish three of my paintings and go on 2 outings with the kids to somewhere we haven't been before.

Danielle said...

I think your list is sounding pretty good. I've already completed one item. Being a mom is incredible! If I adopted your list, I think I would add to it making a really yummy new dessert and share it with the neighbors. I may just have to make an apron too now. All the ones I have don't cover the top and front part of me which is where I always get dirty. If you get around to making the apron you should post a picture so I can see it. I'm sure it will be marvelous if you make it:)

Lora Bonham said...

I had the goal of an apron. I'm in the middle of it and so frustrated with the whole sewing thing that I can't even pick it up. I've set a new goal of completing a sewing class. I'll have to say you have a pretty awesome set of goals there. Let me know how that goes for ya!

CRH said...

Spring Time Resolutions:

Finish the '64 LeMans this year.

Strip the Bel Air and repaint it.

Get the Bel Air registered so Jenna can drive it to get groceries.

Take Jenna on some traveling trips!

Enjoy food; slow down, think about it, and enjoy eating. Take my time eating., seriously!