February 12, 2009

Consider Yourself Warned

Little did I know that this lady...

calls Utah home, just like me! However, due to an unexpected tragedy, she no longer sports her record breaking fingernails. Bummer?


Autie said...

Wow! That's pretty...awesome? Thanks for the book suggestions. I will definitely put them on my "to read next" list.

Emily said...

I also learned this fact today! Hopefully she's not too broken up about her nails.
The real reason for my visit: you won the Charity Never Faileth print in the Nie auction. Thanks for your generous bid. Will you email me so we can figure out payment and delivery? Thanks!


Lora Bonham said...

Crazy! How did she do anything with those nails?

Autumn said...

That is sick. I don't think I'd be eating anything those nails touched. Can you say GERMS!