January 24, 2009

Reading Chair

This is where I go when I need to escape- my nook, cranny, timeout, whatever you want to call it. Where is your "place?"


CRH said...

Casting heavy 'buggers or caddis nymphs directly next to the bank on the turbulent Spanish Fork River. This place is always running sediment, and always running fast, but it is my secret spot for big Browns. And of course, I like the drafty shop that houses my tools and enough space to warm over an old has-been jalopy from another time. It is a quiet sanctuary from the required places and times in this life. It is the self-testing facility I have luckily enjoyed...the place where I can apply learning and increase learning. I have made a million mistakes on such projects, and each "mistake correction process" is a lesson lodged into my mind. I remember what I learn there so much more acutely than the prior steps of the learning curve. The reading related to these old clunkers that moth and rust corrupt is the necessary beginning step, but the real time application of those studies in my little shop is the final teacher. People say learning from mistakes is bad...but it sure works in something creative, restorative, or mechanical. Traditionally mechanical, that is!

Maggie May said...

love the print on your chair :)

Bambi said...

Honestly my reading spot right now is so boring. After the kids go down it is the only place in our little appartment that I have to myself. My bed. I told you it was boring. As soon as it is warm enough outside I will start crashing on the back porch.