January 7, 2009

Provo Bakery

While buying two dozen doughnuts this afternoon, I made a new friend. She gladly accepted my request to take some photos- lifting the glass on the baked goods cases, and inviting me back to take more bright and early on Friday morning "when they pretty stuff comes out of the oven." Get your taste buds ready...


Margy said...

Reading your blog just makes me happy!

Tiesha said...

Dang, now I want a cookie! :o) How have you been?!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - I can smell your picture!

IsabellaArchery said...

Oh, yeah. I like the food pictures. Do they ever make cupcakes and such at this place? I bet you could take one mean cupcake picture. I particularly like that the picture is focused in the center and then fuzzes out on the edges. Nice.