Top Ten People-
1. Professor Kate McPherson- Made my last semester at UVU well worth it- great class discussions and a fantastic woman in general.
2. The Gibb Family- For giving me a spare key and letting me sleep in your bed, eat your food, and use your shower for eight weeks straight. Big shout out!
3. My mom (aka, The Folklorist)- It's true, she's actually my best friend. Of course she makes the list every year, but this year she put in the extra mile. If you want to hear about hospital waiting rooms, ask her.
4. The entire staff at the University of Utah's Burn Trauma ICU and Rehabilitation Blue Team- I have utmost respect for these people and their devotion to their cause.
5. Everyone from WCF and Rehab Without Walls that we've worked with. Their services and knowledge have been superior.
6. My extended family- Each time I ask them to jump, they say, "How high?"
7. Heidi Bauer- For being in tune with the Spirit- your words were inspired and the most powerful I heard all year.
8. My In-Laws- For respecting mine and Cliff's privacy.
9. Presidential-elect Barack Obama- I am not preaching, just simply saying that I'm ecstatic to have a new mind on board for the country.
10. Clifford (aka, The Craftsman)- For having the will to live. Your desire to learn and change despite the challenges are contagious. Thank you.
Top Ten Events-
1. January 2008- Exclusive storytelling workshop with Donald Davis.
2. March 2008- Finishing and passing my last math class ever! It made me sick to my stomach from the day I started college. What a relief!
3. April 24, 2008- College graduation- Bachelor of Arts in English Literary Studies. (Anybody hiring?!)
4. May 7, 2008- A phone call. A husband in critical condition. This was only the beginning.
5. July 1, 2008- Cliff is released from the hospital. This was only the beginning also!
6. Summer 2008- Outpouring of kindness and love from family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers.
7. September 4, 2008- Cliff turns 30!
8. September 29, 2008- 4 year wedding anniversary.
9. October 2008- National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee. Bliss.
10. Christmas 2008- Wonderful gifts from Cliff, including a new lens and butt-kicking flash for my camera. Woo-hoo!
Top Ten Inspirations-
1. "The Dog Says How"- Storytelling and writing of Kevin Kling.
2. "Volume One"- She & Him
3. "Little Honey"- Lucinda Williams
4. This song sung by these girls.
5. "The Cosby Show"- This is the only show Cliff would willingly watch while in the hospital.
6. c jane's musings.
7. Modern medicine- Acyclovir, Morphine, Keppra, Propranolol, Nexium, Oxycodone, Silver Nitrate... the list slowly but surely gets shorter.
8. The human body, especially the brain. Altough we cannot grow back appendages like some animals, our bodies have incredible abilities to heal.
9. My trustworthy camera.
10. Wifehood- and someday motherhood.
Altough I will be jumping into 2009 with both feet, I will always look back on 2008 with a pecuilar fondness. I would not trade my experiences for the world-
"If any one year of my entire existence holds more sweet and sour than did 2008, I will be mortally surprised. I'm young though, and who knows what God will ask of me in years to come. He asks me to endure and then sends angels of every degree to help in the task. It is the definition of surreal. Try it sometime. (Or don't.)"
It's as if the words were taken out of my own mouth and I agree wholeheartedly. So thank you 2008 and nice to meet you 2009.
You are remarkable Jenna, truly remarkable. Love you to the ends of the earth, and back again! It's a privilege to be counted among your friends.
Thank you; I love you - Ma
It is unbelievable what you have endured this past year, I am amazed. This post brought tears to my eyes and made me think of all that I have to be thankful for, so thank you! And the best of luck for your family in 2009!
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