Every Sunday during church, without fail, Cliff shamelessly breaks out his sketchbook. Whether it's a list of all the cars he's ever owned, a drawing of some dude peeling out, or the latest- the car quiz, that little black book always finds its way onto his lap. Ever since marrying this guy, I know more about cars than I ever thought possible. It's actually a little ridiculous, and obviously biased. I couldn't tell you anything about any Ford made after 1930, and don't ask me to identify body styles made after 1970. My specialty is
"The Originals." Last Sunday I scored 100%, go ahead and see for yourself! I have just one question, should I be worried about my salvation?
Jenna I loved the quiz! Everything I know about cars is because of Cliff and Keven. I remember this one day working at the greenhouse, Cliff gave me a lesson on the difference between the 1964 and 1965 GTO's. To this day, I look at the way the headlights are stacked on any GTO/pontiac that I see and I always think of Cliff! :)
Ha-Ha! What an awesome quiz. And so very Cliff. I don't know about your salvation, but I sure am glad that you are a member of our unique (weird?) family. ( I like to think we are weird as a service.) I always liked to watch Cliff sketch in church; he would always draw something funny, like a jacked-up GTO being driven by a frog-man with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I used to squirrel away the programs when I could, because I wanted to save them, even though Cliff thought they were "dumb." Also, I'll never forget the day that my brothers and my Dad said that I shouldn't want a LeMans, rather, I should get a nice girl car, "like a Ford Mustang, or something." Coming from all the GM guys, I knew what THAT meant. Well, phooey on them, 'cause I got my LeMans.
Jenna, I see lots of people sleep, play with their babies, do the word game on the back of their church program (we have 2 of these every Sunday on our program), write in their journals, text, doodle, and play with their grandchildren. So, I've decided that it's attending the meeting that brings salvation, not in what you learn at the meeting - OK - so I'm being a little sarcastic. However, I can't imagine Cliff's brain holding only one thought at a time. Think of this "testing" as Cliff's way of paying attention. Now the question is, "What did you learn last Sunday?" Ma
Don't you love that husband can actually teach you something once in a while? I think you'll be okay on the salvation part!
Jenna I love your blog! Much more creative and interesting than my failure of a blog, but check it out anyway. And about your salvation, at least you can make it to church, 9 a.m. sacrament should be outlawed! Maybe next week you should pray for me while I am sleeping ;)
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