October 1, 2008

Lessons in Utahnism Continued

I can't stop chuckling.
Go here.


Jared said...

Wow. I don't know whether to laugh or to put my house on the market and consider moving back to the pacific northwest. It's difficult for a guy like me (i.e., non-mormon, not really consumer-minded) to look beyond such "Utahnisms" and find happiness here. But somehow, we manage. It must be the mountains and Colorado Plateau.

“At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.” --Nietzsche

Oh, and congrats on your four year anniversary. Jen and I celebrated our fourth on July 14th. Tell Cliff Jared Blackley says hello. Cheers! Bosasa! (a Raramuri term meaning to be filled up or contented)

Tiesha said...

Hey there! Yes that was Clyde, funny huh! That is a cute picture of you and Cliff! I miss you, we need to do something! Are you in TN? What did you do there?