My Papa's Waltz
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We romped until the pans
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.
The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle.
With a palm caked hard by dirt,
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.
Rest in peace, and live in peace, Ma
My heart goes out to you both.
Love you!
Jenna! I hope you and Cliff know I think the world of you! You both are in my thoughts today!
RIP Sweet uncle!
A fantastic photo of 2 people who are on the top of my favorites list. I only hope I can be as good a person as Keven and Annette. My wife has their (and you two also) picture in our living room. A daily reminder of great people.
Dear Jenna and Cliff,
I sure love both of you! I am sorry still for the loss of your dear Dad. May the Lord bless him and your family. You are always in my prayers. I love you forever and always.
I'm sure that he is looking down at you two and the rest of his family and has a full heart. YOu are a wonderful family and now that he is free of the dark mist that clouded his mind he can see you all clearly again and I'm sure he can't wait to be with you all again. We love you two. May peace be with you two as you think of him.
Thanks again, Jenna.
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