May 14, 2008

Man's Best Friend

Well folks, surgery went smooth. Big toe and one next to it had to be taken and skin was taken from his right thigh and grafted onto some places on both hands. Cliff has been running a fever post surgery and him and I are patiently waiting for it to break. Once this happens I think we'll begin to see some major strides. If there's one thing I can request of you good people, it's the prayers for his fever to permanently subside. The doctor says we'll be out by Memorial Day, but I'm crossing my fingers extra tight that it will be sooner. Bandages come off for the first time tomorrow and Cliff is anxious to see what lies beneath. He's been looking down at his foot and hands with awe. Again today I told him about what happened and he said, "Really? How come I didn't know this?" Thanks for your love and prayers, please don't forget about us!


Brian and Amelia said...

You are always in our prayers. Glad to hear things went well, and we pray for the fever to go down quickly, and stay there. We're here if you need anything at all.

Autumn said...

I'm so glad surgery went well. I can't even imagine all you're dealing with. I wish we could do more than just pray, but I do know how much prayer can help. We love you guys!

Bambi said...

You are in our prayers. We are so happy that things seem to be going well for him so far. I'm sure that they will continue to. We love you guys.

Tiesha said...

Get well soon Cliff. We will keep you both in our prayers.

Treasures4u2Share said...

Sweet Jenna,
I just read your blog! I'm so sorry for all that you and Cliff have been going through!!! As we know life can have some big Challenges! It's amazing how prayer can help give us strength and comfort to help us endure. I can't be there, but if I was--I'd be giving you a big caring hug--I love ya! I'll be praying for the two of you also!!!

Fred & Carol said...

Oh my gosh! We can't leave you two alone for one month and look at the trouble you get into!
Seriously, we just heard from Diane about Cliff's accident. We are praying so hard for both of you.
And Thanks to Earle Well's e-mail, we got this terrific website.
You two are both so amazing and wonderful. Miss you!
Please send us your e-mail address
Love, Elder & Sister Hurst :)

Anonymous said...

Your friends at Sage Creek are praying for you and Cliff.

Pam Turley said...

Sandy Bachler forwarded your blog to me; I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and have added him to my prayers. I looked through the rest of your blog; congratulations on your graduation. I was excited to note that Deaf Studies was part of your degree--you were great with Steven back in 2nd grade!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and will be fasting tomorrow for you Brother Holm. Please get well soon! Love, The Rasmussen Boys

Treasures4u2Share said...

Jenna and Cliff--
I added a comment before, looks like it didn't make it (or you didn't approve it hahaha), but please know that we are praying for you both. I'm so sorry that you are going through this trial. Life is certainly full of challenges. I hope that you will find the strength and comfort you need to get through this moment. We love you and wish we could be there to wrap our arms around ya!

scrambled brains said...

Hi Jenna--
I thought of you on your birthday,I'm sending you some imaginary deep pink peonies and lots of love. Tell Cliff Hi for me and that I can't wait for him to be well enough to come and visit. Love you and please call if you'd like to chat, or need a hospital visit, ok?

Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh, Jenna. I found this through your facebook, and I'm so sorry! I can't even imagine how you and Cliff must be feeling. You will be in my prayers! I'm glad things are getting better!

Much love,

Treasures4u2Share said...

I keep checking back for an update...I continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers!
Love ya tons!

Craig said...

Hi Jenna,
You and Cliff are still in my prayers. Hang in there.

Craig Nielson

Anonymous said...

We love you and pray for you. We have not forgotten you, and we will NEVER forget you. We want Cliff to get well soon. You're such wonderful neighbors. We feel the Lord is with you. We'll be looking for Cliff's homecoming.

Much love, The Jay's

Anonymous said...

Jenna, I keep checking for an update on how you two are doing. Hope Cliff is getting better, and they you are hanging in there. You are always in my thought and prayers. We love you guys and hope you can come home soon. Love the Fosters Neal, Jera, Zachary and Andrew.