Cliff was electrocuted Wednesday, May 7th, at work. A crane was moving a concrete block, Cliff was guiding it and electricity arced from the power line to the tip of the crane and through the concrete block and into Cliff. There is an entrance and exit- his right hand and right foot. There's really no way to see the extent of the damage done internally, but it's likely that the electricity bounced back and forth throughout his body as it moved towards the ground. Cliff's heart stopped and he received mouth-to-mouth by co-workers and was life-flighted to the Burn Trauma ICU at the University of Utah Hospital. He is now breathing on his own, but still has an oxygen tube in his nose for backup. They just barely cleared his neck and took off his neck brace. They are keeping a close watch on his brain contusion- two CT scans- one on Wednesday and one on Thursday. Thursday's scan shows that the contusion grew slightly. They are concerned about swelling. He also has a major laceration on the back of his head- required about three layers of stitches and then staples. His hands are burned badly, but they seem functional. His right foot, the exit wound, is also burned badly and his big toe, possibly the next one, will most likely have to be amputated. Overall though, he's been making major strides. He's doing tasks on command and knows his name, who I am, and that he's in the hospital. He does not remember the accident although I've told him about it several times. This is probably a combination of the sedatives, pain medication, the accident itself, and brain bruising which the doctor said will take a couple of months to dissolve.
So, there you have it. Thanks for your kind thoughts. We're very blessed.
Jenna don't worry about your yard at home I contacted Alan and he is going to have the Elders Qoroum take care of it. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you. We love you both SO much and would love to make a care package. If you have any suggestions such as favorite snacks for you and anything that might make Cliff and you smile. Do you guys have a tv and vcr in your room? Please email me.
Cliff - Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you have a quick recovery.
The Stradling's
Please know that you and Cliff are in my prayers, and that my family and I are here for you.
Jenna & Cliff:
Jennifer, our kids & I have been praying day and night for Cliff and you all from day 1 when we heard about the accident. As Jennifer said, "Jenna is a rock" when I asked how she thought you were doing. We love you guys and will help anyway we can.
Hang in there.
Stuart, Jennifer & Kids
Matthew 5: 45
Jenna and Cliff,
We are sending you all our healing energy and we are thinking of you both at this difficult time. Hugs and lots of love.
Auntie Da and Luis
Jenna & Cliff,
We love you and are praying for you always throughout the day and in our family prayers in the eventing. We feel so blessed to have you two in our family.
Much love and prayers always to you,
Aunt Kathryn, Uncle Tom & Christian & Steven
oh jenna,
jon and i are so sorry. please know that we love you (and cliff) and are saying mighty prayers in your behaf. also, please let us know what we can do for.
love nat (and jon)
Jenna, we were so sorry to hear about the news. If there is anything at all that we can do, we'd love to be there for you guys! Your family is definitely in our thoughts and prayers.
Jenna, we were so sad when we heard the news. If there is anything at all that we can do for you guys, we would be more than happy to do it! Your family is in our thoughts and prayers always.
Cliff and Jenna,
Just wanted to let you know that I missed you today in Primary. Hope you get feeling better soon. You are my favorite teachers. Love Zachary Foster
We are ready to do whatever needs to be done. It sounds like oodles of folks are anxious to help to show their love for you guys. You two are such an inspiration to many of us. We're here praying.
Jay and Charlene
Very sorry - this should never have happened as a simple and inexpensive safety product exists see www.insulatus.com
I have spent 15 years tring to stop this fatalities and soon Federal OSHA will bring out a new crane law to mandate the use of Insulating links.
Tell people about it.
Hugh Pratt
Sending you thoughts of healing and strength!
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