I'm not sure what mine are until the situation presents itself. As a child I was terrified of dogs- big, small, loud, and quiet. I hated them all, until one day my mom told me that if I ignored them they would leave you alone. Who would've thunk it?! I've also had this fear of ceiling fans. Shaky like a misfitted hub-cap, it's beyond me why one hasn't fallen on me in my sleep yet. What are your phobias?
I am scared of bugs! I hate them. They are so disgusting. Especially flies and spiders. Those and big snakes. I don't really mind little flies but big snakes are GROSS!!!!
your cousin,
SHARKS. I'm quite sure that a shark will be the reason for my untimely death. Sharks are the reason why my jaw hurts after snorkeling. I bit down so hard on the snorkel out of fear that I have jaw pain for days after.
Almost as passionate is my fear of heights and, of course, being buried alive.
I hate driving, or riding, in the snow. I have had two car accidents during snow storms, and both were caused by fresh snow.
And - falling - I hate the idea of falling to my death.
I overcame my fear of drowning by learning how to swim when I was 40. Not that I want to die by drowning - don't get me started on that one!
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