July 31, 2007

It's Back to School Time

Going back to school always meant making new friends. My first, second and third grade years were spent smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. The first school I attended was C.M. Brewster. It was here I first learned about how babies were made (in a half buried monster truck tire on the playground), where I peed my pants the first and last time while sliding down the slide, read more pages than anyone in my class, was one of two Mormon kids at the school (the other was my brother Tyler), where I learned to say the Lord's Prayer as a class everyday before going to lunch, and where I made my first best friend, Toni.
At my second school, Forest Hills, I played on a basketball team of all boys, dealt with the class bully, a big black kid named Homer, and responded to the name "Jennalyn" since there was already another Jenna in my class. Here's a picture of my best friend from this school, Heather.

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